Friday, January 13, 2012

Resolutions to Revolutions

To be or not to be..that is the question is it not? Yet how many of us can actually BE?  Even myself, someone who focuses on acting altruistically and not out of selfish ambitions find it hard to just BE.  As a vessel of Jesus Christ, a conduit of the Holy Spirit, my focus on a daily basis is one of "How can I be of service to You, TODAY, my Father?", yet...then the day transpires and those thoughts get lost in how I need to support my family and maintain that which my Father has given to me. 

Every year we celebrate the New Year as if we are welcoming a New creature into the next phase of time, making temporal resolutions that mean nothing in the eternal, yet concentrate on them all the same. How can we know where to go if we don't know where we are? How can we know where we ARE if we aren't willing to LOOK BACK to see what choices we have made that got us here?  So many of us are scared as hell to think about the things that formed us since the womb yet it's understanding who we have become and WHY that gives us the insight we need to step into the future (New Year) as a Revolutionist!! Revolutionizing the way we think with a NEW MIND, a NEW HEART, and fresh desire to act on the WILL OF GOD, not our OWN!

As we move forward into this year, remember that all of us have purpose, and we CAN know that purpose if we are willing to step back from the controls of our ship and allow God to provoke us into action, will us to do His good deeds, to fulfill His plan everyday, all day, all year, to the finish line and goal of our lives.

Gwendolyn A. Bork

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