Monday, December 15, 2014


It's almost the end of the year of 2014 and we all, as a collective, must vow to "STOP MAKING EXCUSES" for ourselves. No more pity party! No more, "you don't understand"!!  No excuse is good enough for where you've been, and what you've become. It doesn't matter if you didn't have a dad, if you didn't have a good education, if you were abused, or neglected, all that matters is WHO ARE YOU? and WHERE ARE YOU GOING?

If you're done making up lies for the reasons why you are where you are then you're my kind of person right now. If you're fed up for where this country is and who we've become as a people, then you're ready for changes because remember.....NO EXCUSES.

Pick a cause, any cause: Domestic Abuse, Child Neglect, Racism, Political Extremism and think to yourself, "No more excuses, I'm going to make a change, and it's going to start with me."  Do you realize that every problem will get fixed in this world with a little Integrity and Self-Respect (and of course NO EXCUSES)?

You don't like Racism??? Then stop putting all whites and all blacks in the same category.  Stop generalizing into thinking all blacks are thugs, and all whites are racists crackers, all arabs are terrorists and jews are zionists.  It's thinking like that, that gets good people into trouble.  There are good and bad of every race because there is good and bad in ALL OF US.  STOP GENERALIZING!! STOP MAKING EXCUSES!

You don't like Domestic Violence?  Stop making excuses for the person disrespecting you, and have some self-respect and integrity for your self-worth.  Only you can give that power to someone else if you allow it to happen over and over and over again.  We are creatures of habit, the more we do, the more it becomes a lifestyle.  STOP MAKING EXCUSES!! MAKE A CHANGE!

You don't like Child Neglect?  Start being a mentor, a mother, a father to a foster child or orphan. Form a group that reaches out to parents with drug problems to get them some help to better themselves for the sake of their kids.  Do you work too much? So much you never even see your kids and you just found out they are doing drugs? Popping pills, shooting heroin because you are NEVER around? Stop telling yourself that all that money, the big fancy house, and the newest iphone is going to WIN your kids love. START BEING THERE FOR THEM!!!  Sacrifice money for time together!! STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!  Connect with your kids!!

You don't like Political/Religious Extremism?  Whether it be the "Crazy Christians" or the "Terrorist Arabs". EDUCATE YOURSELVES!!! Know who believes in what and why and take time to make YOUR OWN stand on things based off of your OWN ethics and morals and stop trying to please everyone. Stand up for what you believe but do it with respect and love, not shoving it down someones throat or by threat of be-heading.  You win more wars with love than you do with hate! and REMEMBER: the political and religious systems are used as bait to turn people against each other. Don't FEED the MACHINE! Research before you react.

I've come to the conclusion that our biggest problem here in America is our sense of entitlement and lack of accountability. If we would just STOP MAKING EXCUSES, and be accountable for our bad choices or lack there of, we could make the change that we so desperately seek.  Life is much easier when we stand looking from the sidelines, announcing the plays, when we refuse to get in the game.  There is a time coming, it's approaching very quickly, where we all will have to stand up for what we believe, and if we don't even know what that is yet, the decision will be made for us.

May this year be the year that your eyes become open and you get in the game.
That you choose to fight in the name of love and not in vain.
May this be the pivotal moment that you choose a life that will never be the same.
That you find courage and hope in the darkest of moments,
May the strength come from a place that you never thought existed.
And may the year of 2015 be one that will forever be exalted as the year that set you free from excuses.

Gwendolyn A. Bork